Anne Marie Hennessy is a Yoga Instructor, who has trained in Hatha, Iyengar and Ashtanga yoga for over 14 years. She likes to share her experience and knowledge to support others’ inspirational journey and personal development. Her flexible style can adapt to wide range of audiences and practitioners, from athletes and sports professionals to those who prefer a more restorative approach to yoga. She seeks to empower anyone who wishes to improve their emotional well-being, performance and physical health through yoga practice and its transformative impact on both body and mind.
Yoga Daytime: 09:30 – 10:30 Mondays (Beginner/Mixed)
Book online via this link
Pilates is a mind and body conditioning method that helps to strengthen, lengthen, align and tone the body through a sequence of control exercises. It is often described as the ‘Core Training Method’, and best known for it’s positive effects on the posture and core strength. It focuses on mobility, stability and strength to help realign the body, release back tension and correct muscle imbalances, making movement more efficient and the body more toned. It involves a level of concentration and relaxation, which helps to improve entire body awareness.Pilates comes in levels of ability; beginner, intermediate (mixed), and advanced. The levels of classes are to help you learn the Pilates method and train in a safe and natural progression for your body.
Pilates Daytime: 12:15 – 13:15 Wednesdays (Beginner/Mixed)
Book online via this link